Answer a few quick questions, and we’ll help you choose an Royce Dental that’s right for you.
Once you know which Royce Dental you want, place your order online securely.
We’ll message you after placing your order & keep you updated along the way.
Your impression kit will arrive in the post. Carefully follow the instructions, and take an accurate impression of your teeth. Our dental technicians need an accurate impression to make your bespoke veneers.
Email us pictures of your impressions, and we’ll check they’re right. When we approve your impressions, you post them back to us. Please do not send your impressions back to us before they have been approved by a member of the Royce Dental team; this could delay your order and you may incur additional costs.
Once we receive your impressions, our team of dental technicians get to work. We’ll spend time digitally scanning, designing and hand finishing your custom-made clip-on veneers. Once they’re ready we’ll send them to you.
Your clip-on veneers will arrive, and you can clip them on and start smiling with confidence!
Send us your pictures, tag us on social media and show your new smile to the world!
Complete your online Smile Assessment and find the Royce Dental that’s right for you. Order your Royce Dental securely through our online store.
You’ll get your Impression Kit in the post. Read through all the instructions so you get the perfect impression, and send us a photo so we can check it’s all OK.
After we’ve checked and approved your photo, send us your completed impression. We’ll then get to work on creating your brand new smile.
Can the perfect smile really be this easy? We know you’ll have questions, so we’ve put together the answers you need on our FAQ page.
At Royce Dental, we’re smile experts, so we have lots of knowledge to share about improving your smile.
There’s no need to visit a dentist or make an appointment. We’ll send you the instructions and materials to make an impression at home.
We are a trusted Dental Prosthetist and Laboratory located in Westpoint, Blacktown. Our services include full and partial dentures, clip-on veneers, dental repairs, and more! With expert craftsmanship and personalised care, we’re here to help you achieve your best smile.